7. Conclusions
As this is my first Annual Report since taking office, any conclusions I reach will only be based on the 2022/23 data along with any findings from my predecessors report of 2021/22. The role of the JCR was intended by the Act7 to review the handling of conduct complaints by the JOS, in accordance with the ‘Rules’, to ensure the independence of the Judicial Office Holders and Tribunal Members in applying the Law in Scotland. On my initial year in office I found no substantial issues in the way the current system is operating.
I expect to have another meeting with the Cabinet Secretary for Justice next year as a follow up to my initial meeting earlier this year.
The JCR role itself has a five year review cycle in which I expect a review meeting of public/legal service representatives to be held next year.
The previous review meeting, held in July 20198, was tasked:
“To determine if the role of the Judicial Complaints Reviewer (JCR) was relevant and fit for purpose”.
Attendees included the following;
- Deputy Director – Civil Law and Legal Systems Division – Scottish Government
- Executive Director of the Judicial Office for Scotland
- Judicial Complaints Reviewer
- Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO)
- Head of Courts and Tribunals Unit -Scottish Government
- Policy Officer – Judicial Office for Scotland
- Finance and Sponsorship Manager – Scottish Government
This meeting recognised the benefit of a totally independent system for considering complaints about the Judiciary.